jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014


My best friend is my cousin  her name is  Valentina Lagos, she is 19 years old, I know my  friend since I was two years .
She is my best friend because she listen to me, she laugh with me, she is my confident, and she is all to me.
With my cousin we do all kind of things, from sleep, eat, cry, speak, we love to play taca-taca, watch movies, go to walk, close to where we live, which is in Coihueco this is a region of Chillán, beside for a lot years we worked in the summer in the raspberry field.
We were born the same day, 11 of november, but a different year,  I am the oldest, although I look younger.
We have study in the same school in the primary and the high school, also we have live together for 3 years.
We both came to Santiago to study, in the university, but we choose different   professions.
My other best friend is my sister, she is older than me for two years, she is my confident and the father of the house,
My sister, my cousin, and I, we are the three Musketeers, we are complementary in all kind of thing.

I love them with all my heart.

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