jueves, 24 de abril de 2014


Hi! Today I tell about the music that likes me.

The truth is that I don’t know about “good music”. I am generation that listened to reggeton, but it is BEFORE, now I not like (seem xD) anyway I will leave the song that I like. From ever I love to Shakira, I remember when I was a girl I believed I was Shakira, I danced and singed her song, I like all her songs, but my favorite is and will is “Ojos asi” and “La Tortura” I don’t remember good when was the first time that listen the songs, only I know That was when small.
The other music that like is the meringue, and the electronics, I like because it is happy, it is dance, ever that I do the cleanliness I listen it music for motivate me and enjoy. The songs that I like of it style is Sexy Bitch of David Guetta and the song of meringue that a like is “La cosquillita” of  Juan Luis Guerra and “Suavemente” of Elvis Crespo.

miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014


Hello classmate, today I want speak about the best travel and holiday that I did.

The years 2013 I with my friends the university Alondra we decided travel to Bolivia,  recommend because it's cheap and beautiful, the kinds is that I never traveled in  plane and I never went go out country Chile, it would the first time…

I had saved coin and the ticket of plane was a gift.
The travel was for the holiday of winter, when arrived the day !uf! I had very Eager and happiness, and other friend Francisca decided  finally go with we
Climb to plane was a pain of stomach but was incredible, but the most incredible was I arrived to Bolivia.we arrived  to La Paz a city very different and stranger for me, go over and know to the city and the people was amazing but I loved Coroico and Villa Tunari (had the monkeys loose) it is the jungle, is wonderful, the landscape, all green, all clean, all natural, is the place most magic that I met and the people is good, also we went a Copacabana and island of Sun we sail for the lake Titicaca.

we happened very adventure, we had even that sleep with a carp in the terminal, we were twenty days approximately, and was the days most fantastic of my life :D

jueves, 10 de abril de 2014


Hello classmate

 The game that I played as a child is the “tombo”, when I had ten or eleven years, I study in the school Sergio Silva Acuña in Santiago, was here where meted the game from the “tombo”, I remember that in class of education physics when the class is for finish the teacher let us play the “tombo” together me classmates. 

The game I like much because from child I like run and share whit people doing deport , and the best  is that to everything us a liked play to it, the “tombo” was the “sensation” in its time, in the playground, after of class, in the parent meeting, in all moment we played the “tombo”. 

I don’t remember the last time that I play because yes I can’t talk you what a good time we had.

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014


The beach

In the year 2010, when I had sixteen years, in time the summer, I decided work  in the raspberry field, for have money and I go to holiday.
I worked one month in February, with a friend we decided go to the beach, the most funny that went without permission.  :P .
We Decided go to Pelluhue, located for the cost of Parral, in the region “El Maule”.  We went out at 7 or 9 of morning.  I had a good time. We swam all day, the people are nice, played a football, ate much food, in the night went  out to meet Pelluhue, the square is small but beautiful and around it there were shops of all kind.