miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014


Hello classmate, today I want speak about the best travel and holiday that I did.

The years 2013 I with my friends the university Alondra we decided travel to Bolivia,  recommend because it's cheap and beautiful, the kinds is that I never traveled in  plane and I never went go out country Chile, it would the first time…

I had saved coin and the ticket of plane was a gift.
The travel was for the holiday of winter, when arrived the day !uf! I had very Eager and happiness, and other friend Francisca decided  finally go with we
Climb to plane was a pain of stomach but was incredible, but the most incredible was I arrived to Bolivia.we arrived  to La Paz a city very different and stranger for me, go over and know to the city and the people was amazing but I loved Coroico and Villa Tunari (had the monkeys loose) it is the jungle, is wonderful, the landscape, all green, all clean, all natural, is the place most magic that I met and the people is good, also we went a Copacabana and island of Sun we sail for the lake Titicaca.

we happened very adventure, we had even that sleep with a carp in the terminal, we were twenty days approximately, and was the days most fantastic of my life :D

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