jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014


Hello mates, I am going to tell you because I'm studying geography.

Days before applying to college, the chances of life reaches the FAU (at that time did not know that was the Fau xD) and I met a college fair, fair leapt to my decision and definitely in my life, at that moment I knew about geography, explained to me, and convinced me: P plus I was super hesitant enrealidad wanted to study.

at first, like ALL did not understand much about the subject, but now after three years I can defend. I like it because it is closely related to the environment, nature; this is a major reason why I decided to study geography.

What I do not like geography is its social aspect, failed to understand well, I'm more of the physical area.

When I graduate I think devote to environmental impact and natural hazards, to contribute to environmental protection.

Today I am very satisfied with the geography, geology and wanted to study before I realize today was definitely not for me.

old friend

Hello mates, I am going to tell you about a great friend.

Her name is Camila, we know from the first half because we studied in the same school, but we became best friends through football. we were like sisters, but unfortunately our paths were very different.

When we left fourth means take very different paths, she entered the Air Force, and college, I remember the whole process and united than we were, but the lack of time little was moving away, until finally my friend after two years in the Air Force I had to go to Puerto Montt. More than a year ago I have not seen, and do not have much communication.

I always carry in my heart; and I hope one day to go visit your new home


Today I’m going to talk about the movie “This is England, this is a movie very reflexive and tense, during the whole movie I was thinking about the worst, until finally happened.
This movie it’s about a boy called Shaun he is twelve years old and after the death of his father during the war, in a way to protect himself, he adopted a rebel and violent attitude .Shaun meets a group of young boys that influence him to be part of their band, and they convert him in one of them, dressing and shave him.
Through these guys Shaun meets Combo ,a neo-Nazi boy  who manipulates and convince Shaun to join to his neo-Nazi ideas, finally after some discrimination events ,Combo knock his black friend until he kill him. In this moment Shaun realizes how wrong he was about Combo, and decides to forget all what he has become because of the Nazism.

The movie shows a little part of who and how are the Nazis, for me these cause me terror, I cannot understand not even imagine the level of ignorance and wickedness of these persons who can even kill their own friends simply because of their skin color

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Start University

He classmate, today is a day for speak of something that proud me.

I think that not I will be only who to tell about it… enter to University … Uff!! One moment difficult of start to end (and still), I feel very proud of be where I am, because this was not an easy journey, from the moment that I´ve in university foundation course (I leaved of practice soccer), give the PSU (some I never took the importance necessary), this is the moment most difficult of all, when strike out on your own without your family, being the life of an adult, start the journey only I knowing that leave for ever, after arrive to Santiago without knowing anyone or having a stable place, finally meet new people and I adapt to new study method (this is the most easy xD).

I feel conform of this stage of my life and proud with I am in the university because I turned with my goal, I feel that I´ve grow as person and my family feel proud of me.

each stage must be lived to full for not wanting to repeat it  and I´ve lived J