jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014


Hello mates, I am going to tell you because I'm studying geography.

Days before applying to college, the chances of life reaches the FAU (at that time did not know that was the Fau xD) and I met a college fair, fair leapt to my decision and definitely in my life, at that moment I knew about geography, explained to me, and convinced me: P plus I was super hesitant enrealidad wanted to study.

at first, like ALL did not understand much about the subject, but now after three years I can defend. I like it because it is closely related to the environment, nature; this is a major reason why I decided to study geography.

What I do not like geography is its social aspect, failed to understand well, I'm more of the physical area.

When I graduate I think devote to environmental impact and natural hazards, to contribute to environmental protection.

Today I am very satisfied with the geography, geology and wanted to study before I realize today was definitely not for me.

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