jueves, 28 de agosto de 2014

A special places in Santiago

Hellos classmates today a going to tell you about a places in Santiago that like me visit.

The Places that most like visit me it is the hill “San Cristobal” it is in the center of Santiago.

The first time that I went there is was when I was a child, I have ten years proximity, I remember that I went for visit the zoological of Santiago whit me family, from this moment I like, but now I like most because in this places a can find liberty, tranquility, the hill is clean, I can share with some natural between all building of Santiago, also is a good panorama, I go the “camping”, to walk because is big I ever find a place different  in the hill, one time I went  handy to climb until the Virgin in bicycle but was impossible, from this day me line in the life xD is any day climb to the summit lol , same I like because I have very much memory, and moment there is. In general the hill is very beautiful and the view same and a good place in Santiago.

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