jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

He, the day today am go to talk about a film that I watch again, I go to start saying that the film favorite for my are those of scary and suspense, and my favorite film that I will watch always and I not bored is "THE OTHERS", this movie the I watched for first time when I was a child and I the watched in my old house in a day family, I remember that I suffered all the movie, in those years I had really scared when I watched it. now not so much because I know it by heart jejeje.

The movie is starring Nicole Kidman a of the for me actresses favorite, "THE OTHER" is about Grace mother of two children, who may not be exposed to the sun, away from everything and live in total darkness, begin to experience paranormal and see "other" people, after discovering that his employees are dead touch you understand that those is it dead with their children, "the others" are those living.
 I would like to watch it again because it is very entertaining, because I always cause suspense, in general because I really like and enjoy seeing it

                                                             This is the watch it trailer

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

la conmoción

Hello classmate. Today I go to speak about a concert. 

In my live I not have the opportunity of I go to many concerts, but a concert that I like and have very memories, it is “LA CONMOCION”. 

“LA CONMOCIÓN” is a group of music Chilean, is a mixture of music cumbia with other populates. 

Not remember well when was, but if remember where was, it is in Santiago, in the theatre CAUPOLICAN. The most funny is that I don´t wanted go, but my friend and my mother yes, after much prodding I decided go and I ended up being when most enjoyed.
The concert the LA CONMOCION went fabulous, I had a great time, and the only
problem went the presence of many people, but nothing the other world, the music is very dance, funny, the sound and rhythm are very pleased, I thought that I was in the TIRANA, it was similar, besides it is my first concert, the first time that I go to see to “LA COMNOCIÓN” and the first time that I go to dance with my friend and my mother, I liked also the wardrobe, have much colors, accessories It is a creative and happy band.
Here I leave a song that I like and photography but know the band Chilean 

domingo, 19 de octubre de 2014

A talent special

Hello friends today I go to talk about my talent special.

is difficult know, or it seems that I dont have :P
so I'm going to talk about what I do well and if there can be a special talent, I am good for do crafts, for example weaving in  stick and crochet, crochet is something new I learned recently and I think take advantage of making and selling hoops, also I know do macrame bracelets of all kinds , It is useful because I make money doing what I like, also I know do truffles, (I am a good entrepreneurial) and I have  personality to sell.
the people say I'm super motivated and dedicated.

this talent is have personality, be courageous and dedicated, besides having a grandmother who teaches knitting.

everyone can do :)

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

A book

Hello classmates today I go to talk about a book that I´m read. The trurt is that I´m the most slow for read, there are moment in that I get motivated and I´m handy for read much, and in this moment I´m slow… but him last that I´m read (but still don´t finish) is “Entrevista con el vampiro” of Anne Rice. The genre of this is a novel of fantasy (horror-fiction). 
I start to read this book because is recommended for a friend, besides I like this type of book, where narrate history and we have that imagine how is the thing and scenes, how I do in this book, beside of enjoy read him that I decide, not how read text about lesson for example, about economy, capitalism etc. 
The book “Interview with the Vampire” is about a vampire he want to tell his history to a young interviewer, the vampire is called Louis, he was a young, plantation owner, that after of death of his brother, he only want the death, but met with lestat (he is the bad en the book), and convinces to louis of transformed in vampire.
it is the start of adventures, Louis begins to learn to do a different vampire, not as lesat which kills people for feed mercilessly, while louis is in the dilemma of good and bad. make a girl in vampire who is the new and important character,

but better they read the book, I want finish the book for after I can watch the movie, here is the trailer :)

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

A group activity

Hello classmate, today I going to tell you about a group activity
It is obvious that I am going to talk football lol, as talk about the sport, it is the group, the most entertaining, think of a group activity for me is to think about football.
I practice several years ago, about 8, I think but where I focused most was 2010 when I played for the women's team Ñublense before trained 3 times per week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and played on Saturdays or Sundays , dreamed up lol football, but now for study and work alone participate in championships and suddenly trained in the workshop of football, play with my classmates in our own team called chicha Terry.
The Football for me has always been a form of distraction while enjoying, I like the friendships that are created, I like to celebrate a goal after so much effort, football is a passion for me 

I am currently half delicate because about a month ago I sprained my ankle, which has me in constant fear of getting hurt  I hope to recover soon to do what I like so much.

this photograph is a beautiful remember of the best time in the football 
