jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

la conmoción

Hello classmate. Today I go to speak about a concert. 

In my live I not have the opportunity of I go to many concerts, but a concert that I like and have very memories, it is “LA CONMOCION”. 

“LA CONMOCIÓN” is a group of music Chilean, is a mixture of music cumbia with other populates. 

Not remember well when was, but if remember where was, it is in Santiago, in the theatre CAUPOLICAN. The most funny is that I don´t wanted go, but my friend and my mother yes, after much prodding I decided go and I ended up being when most enjoyed.
The concert the LA CONMOCION went fabulous, I had a great time, and the only
problem went the presence of many people, but nothing the other world, the music is very dance, funny, the sound and rhythm are very pleased, I thought that I was in the TIRANA, it was similar, besides it is my first concert, the first time that I go to see to “LA COMNOCIÓN” and the first time that I go to dance with my friend and my mother, I liked also the wardrobe, have much colors, accessories It is a creative and happy band.
Here I leave a song that I like and photography but know the band Chilean 

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