jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014


Hello mates, I am going to tell you because I'm studying geography.

Days before applying to college, the chances of life reaches the FAU (at that time did not know that was the Fau xD) and I met a college fair, fair leapt to my decision and definitely in my life, at that moment I knew about geography, explained to me, and convinced me: P plus I was super hesitant enrealidad wanted to study.

at first, like ALL did not understand much about the subject, but now after three years I can defend. I like it because it is closely related to the environment, nature; this is a major reason why I decided to study geography.

What I do not like geography is its social aspect, failed to understand well, I'm more of the physical area.

When I graduate I think devote to environmental impact and natural hazards, to contribute to environmental protection.

Today I am very satisfied with the geography, geology and wanted to study before I realize today was definitely not for me.

old friend

Hello mates, I am going to tell you about a great friend.

Her name is Camila, we know from the first half because we studied in the same school, but we became best friends through football. we were like sisters, but unfortunately our paths were very different.

When we left fourth means take very different paths, she entered the Air Force, and college, I remember the whole process and united than we were, but the lack of time little was moving away, until finally my friend after two years in the Air Force I had to go to Puerto Montt. More than a year ago I have not seen, and do not have much communication.

I always carry in my heart; and I hope one day to go visit your new home


Today I’m going to talk about the movie “This is England, this is a movie very reflexive and tense, during the whole movie I was thinking about the worst, until finally happened.
This movie it’s about a boy called Shaun he is twelve years old and after the death of his father during the war, in a way to protect himself, he adopted a rebel and violent attitude .Shaun meets a group of young boys that influence him to be part of their band, and they convert him in one of them, dressing and shave him.
Through these guys Shaun meets Combo ,a neo-Nazi boy  who manipulates and convince Shaun to join to his neo-Nazi ideas, finally after some discrimination events ,Combo knock his black friend until he kill him. In this moment Shaun realizes how wrong he was about Combo, and decides to forget all what he has become because of the Nazism.

The movie shows a little part of who and how are the Nazis, for me these cause me terror, I cannot understand not even imagine the level of ignorance and wickedness of these persons who can even kill their own friends simply because of their skin color

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Start University

He classmate, today is a day for speak of something that proud me.

I think that not I will be only who to tell about it… enter to University … Uff!! One moment difficult of start to end (and still), I feel very proud of be where I am, because this was not an easy journey, from the moment that I´ve in university foundation course (I leaved of practice soccer), give the PSU (some I never took the importance necessary), this is the moment most difficult of all, when strike out on your own without your family, being the life of an adult, start the journey only I knowing that leave for ever, after arrive to Santiago without knowing anyone or having a stable place, finally meet new people and I adapt to new study method (this is the most easy xD).

I feel conform of this stage of my life and proud with I am in the university because I turned with my goal, I feel that I´ve grow as person and my family feel proud of me.

each stage must be lived to full for not wanting to repeat it  and I´ve lived J

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

He, the day today am go to talk about a film that I watch again, I go to start saying that the film favorite for my are those of scary and suspense, and my favorite film that I will watch always and I not bored is "THE OTHERS", this movie the I watched for first time when I was a child and I the watched in my old house in a day family, I remember that I suffered all the movie, in those years I had really scared when I watched it. now not so much because I know it by heart jejeje.

The movie is starring Nicole Kidman a of the for me actresses favorite, "THE OTHER" is about Grace mother of two children, who may not be exposed to the sun, away from everything and live in total darkness, begin to experience paranormal and see "other" people, after discovering that his employees are dead touch you understand that those is it dead with their children, "the others" are those living.
 I would like to watch it again because it is very entertaining, because I always cause suspense, in general because I really like and enjoy seeing it

                                                             This is the watch it trailer

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

la conmoción

Hello classmate. Today I go to speak about a concert. 

In my live I not have the opportunity of I go to many concerts, but a concert that I like and have very memories, it is “LA CONMOCION”. 

“LA CONMOCIÓN” is a group of music Chilean, is a mixture of music cumbia with other populates. 

Not remember well when was, but if remember where was, it is in Santiago, in the theatre CAUPOLICAN. The most funny is that I don´t wanted go, but my friend and my mother yes, after much prodding I decided go and I ended up being when most enjoyed.
The concert the LA CONMOCION went fabulous, I had a great time, and the only
problem went the presence of many people, but nothing the other world, the music is very dance, funny, the sound and rhythm are very pleased, I thought that I was in the TIRANA, it was similar, besides it is my first concert, the first time that I go to see to “LA COMNOCIÓN” and the first time that I go to dance with my friend and my mother, I liked also the wardrobe, have much colors, accessories It is a creative and happy band.
Here I leave a song that I like and photography but know the band Chilean 

domingo, 19 de octubre de 2014

A talent special

Hello friends today I go to talk about my talent special.

is difficult know, or it seems that I dont have :P
so I'm going to talk about what I do well and if there can be a special talent, I am good for do crafts, for example weaving in  stick and crochet, crochet is something new I learned recently and I think take advantage of making and selling hoops, also I know do macrame bracelets of all kinds , It is useful because I make money doing what I like, also I know do truffles, (I am a good entrepreneurial) and I have  personality to sell.
the people say I'm super motivated and dedicated.

this talent is have personality, be courageous and dedicated, besides having a grandmother who teaches knitting.

everyone can do :)

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

A book

Hello classmates today I go to talk about a book that I´m read. The trurt is that I´m the most slow for read, there are moment in that I get motivated and I´m handy for read much, and in this moment I´m slow… but him last that I´m read (but still don´t finish) is “Entrevista con el vampiro” of Anne Rice. The genre of this is a novel of fantasy (horror-fiction). 
I start to read this book because is recommended for a friend, besides I like this type of book, where narrate history and we have that imagine how is the thing and scenes, how I do in this book, beside of enjoy read him that I decide, not how read text about lesson for example, about economy, capitalism etc. 
The book “Interview with the Vampire” is about a vampire he want to tell his history to a young interviewer, the vampire is called Louis, he was a young, plantation owner, that after of death of his brother, he only want the death, but met with lestat (he is the bad en the book), and convinces to louis of transformed in vampire.
it is the start of adventures, Louis begins to learn to do a different vampire, not as lesat which kills people for feed mercilessly, while louis is in the dilemma of good and bad. make a girl in vampire who is the new and important character,

but better they read the book, I want finish the book for after I can watch the movie, here is the trailer :)

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

A group activity

Hello classmate, today I going to tell you about a group activity
It is obvious that I am going to talk football lol, as talk about the sport, it is the group, the most entertaining, think of a group activity for me is to think about football.
I practice several years ago, about 8, I think but where I focused most was 2010 when I played for the women's team Ñublense before trained 3 times per week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and played on Saturdays or Sundays , dreamed up lol football, but now for study and work alone participate in championships and suddenly trained in the workshop of football, play with my classmates in our own team called chicha Terry.
The Football for me has always been a form of distraction while enjoying, I like the friendships that are created, I like to celebrate a goal after so much effort, football is a passion for me 

I am currently half delicate because about a month ago I sprained my ankle, which has me in constant fear of getting hurt  I hope to recover soon to do what I like so much.

this photograph is a beautiful remember of the best time in the football 


martes, 9 de septiembre de 2014

hi, i go to talk you about the part cute of my infancy
about my infancy i have remember vague how all person, in general I had cute infancy, enjoyment much, until my ten year. what most I did was play, consider and thank that not existed the technology, I liked climb the tree, in especial of cherry, I could spend  hours eating, in fact most photos when I was girl I have the mouth and face  red for fault of the cherry.
I also liked swing on the swing, my mother put a swing for my below a brown, the other part if my live was be in this place, playing with my sister, or fighting. we went  very fighters, until day today xd.
other stage of my infancy was I play in nintendo, I consider myself  that was vicious, I liked play donkey kong and Bomberman in this time was all the rage, I came of school only to play nintendo and Playstation 1, my mum every time that she us found playing she hit us their lashes.

my cute infancy finish when I had to live in Santiago when a was 9 years ... away of my family.

jueves, 28 de agosto de 2014

A special places in Santiago

Hellos classmates today a going to tell you about a places in Santiago that like me visit.

The Places that most like visit me it is the hill “San Cristobal” it is in the center of Santiago.

The first time that I went there is was when I was a child, I have ten years proximity, I remember that I went for visit the zoological of Santiago whit me family, from this moment I like, but now I like most because in this places a can find liberty, tranquility, the hill is clean, I can share with some natural between all building of Santiago, also is a good panorama, I go the “camping”, to walk because is big I ever find a place different  in the hill, one time I went  handy to climb until the Virgin in bicycle but was impossible, from this day me line in the life xD is any day climb to the summit lol , same I like because I have very much memory, and moment there is. In general the hill is very beautiful and the view same and a good place in Santiago.

miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2014

Family Meal

Hi mates today I will tell you about a family meal, one of the most important to me.

How to forget the night to enter the new year 2012, the assembled family, my uncles, cousins​​, my mom, sister, my grandparents, three generations gathered that day was a magical night, full of joy love and happiness.

I remember obviously the most important thing that night roast, lol, men of the house preparing this, mothers cooking and us kids playing everything we could think of, the night approached, together three large dining tables all family, prettier table, lots of laughter and smiles thanks to my sister my cousin and my uncle, they are the life of the party.

All filled with batting and a happy heart we prepare to receive anciadas 00:00, my aunt took favors, streamers, spray etc, we went out to the patio and prepared when the siren sounded indicating the new year and the war began, remains full of paper, spray, we ran, we hugged, we cried it was all very beautiful, I will never forget is how all went back to being kids.

I leave a photo to show the felidad that day (minutes before the war)

viernes, 1 de agosto de 2014


hello classmates
today going to tell you about what i did in my holiday of winter.

The most interesting i did was go to beach of Cartagena with my family, my mother, my sister, two friend and me. was the last day of break but was cool, we played, we walk in horse, we ate seafood and we saw the sea and the sea lions, was a good walk.

Also in my holiday I slept and I lazy much. I could join my friends of the basic, we did a roast, and we spoken of the life.
I can visited to all family, I went where my grandmother, I take matte with she, also went where my cousins  to play playstation and watch movie, also I was with my sister, we went to cinema, we pampered with my mother, my mother did much  food rich, I finished most chubby.

It was a good break, I could recover me for enter to university with all batteries put.

jueves, 19 de junio de 2014


Friend, today I going to say goodbye, tell you what I think about of write in the blog

My experience about the blog is positive, I like because I practice of how write the English, I learning for end when write the pronoun, thing that before I did not know, also learned to connect the sentences and to writhe that think but in English, in general ever enjoyed me, writhe about me experiences and moments of me live.
What I did not like about the blog is I don’t know weatherly what write was well or bad.
I think that the blog is a good instrument for learn to write in English and read it, besides apply what I learned.
The subject that most I like write was the travel to Bolivia, begin to see the photography, and revive is moment, and that less I like is write the first post because I had very question.

jueves, 12 de junio de 2014

my mather

Hi, today I going to write about my Mather

My Mather and My Father, they is the same person, the same person that to learned me ever about the live.

Her name is Ana Rebeca Delgado Amigo, she has  thirty eight years old, my Mather cook to a school, ever the child she went, because she is a loving of the kid, I think that the mission in the live is give love,  My mam is to incredible person,  is the most beautiful women of world :P.

They are the best friend, someone time the people think that my Mather is my sister jijijiji, she is all for me, is how my daughter, I and my sister feel that have to protect she.  

My Mather is a person very dedicate, for only you dispute achievement rear me and my sister, and not was anything of easy, I admire her.

I am photocopy of her; I am like to her physically and psychologically, in the photography of downhill see.

The moment most difficult for me and my Mather was when I had that I go of her side, for study in Santiago.

jueves, 29 de mayo de 2014


Hello classmate today I going to tell you about the Country that I would like met, it country is Brasil.I’m a person that like the places that has very very very “green”, vegetation for all sides, that has very trees, I can look the sky clean, and share with the nature and I think that is Brasil the country that has very places pleasant, in special I scheme the amazon, to is feature sum the happiness that represent to Brasil, for example the carnivals, also its idiom and the pleasantness of the people, and think that ever it is in summer is spectacular, the beautiful of the beach, although I not deny that I scare for the fame that Brasil has, but out  of is I like the Brasil.And, I forget the Brasil is the country of “soccer”, I listen that ever play socer  in every moment, women, men, girl etc.  Besides the existence of people native I around me curiosity.

jueves, 24 de abril de 2014


Hi! Today I tell about the music that likes me.

The truth is that I don’t know about “good music”. I am generation that listened to reggeton, but it is BEFORE, now I not like (seem xD) anyway I will leave the song that I like. From ever I love to Shakira, I remember when I was a girl I believed I was Shakira, I danced and singed her song, I like all her songs, but my favorite is and will is “Ojos asi” and “La Tortura” I don’t remember good when was the first time that listen the songs, only I know That was when small.
The other music that like is the meringue, and the electronics, I like because it is happy, it is dance, ever that I do the cleanliness I listen it music for motivate me and enjoy. The songs that I like of it style is Sexy Bitch of David Guetta and the song of meringue that a like is “La cosquillita” of  Juan Luis Guerra and “Suavemente” of Elvis Crespo.

miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014


Hello classmate, today I want speak about the best travel and holiday that I did.

The years 2013 I with my friends the university Alondra we decided travel to Bolivia,  recommend because it's cheap and beautiful, the kinds is that I never traveled in  plane and I never went go out country Chile, it would the first time…

I had saved coin and the ticket of plane was a gift.
The travel was for the holiday of winter, when arrived the day !uf! I had very Eager and happiness, and other friend Francisca decided  finally go with we
Climb to plane was a pain of stomach but was incredible, but the most incredible was I arrived to Bolivia.we arrived  to La Paz a city very different and stranger for me, go over and know to the city and the people was amazing but I loved Coroico and Villa Tunari (had the monkeys loose) it is the jungle, is wonderful, the landscape, all green, all clean, all natural, is the place most magic that I met and the people is good, also we went a Copacabana and island of Sun we sail for the lake Titicaca.

we happened very adventure, we had even that sleep with a carp in the terminal, we were twenty days approximately, and was the days most fantastic of my life :D

jueves, 10 de abril de 2014


Hello classmate

 The game that I played as a child is the “tombo”, when I had ten or eleven years, I study in the school Sergio Silva Acuña in Santiago, was here where meted the game from the “tombo”, I remember that in class of education physics when the class is for finish the teacher let us play the “tombo” together me classmates. 

The game I like much because from child I like run and share whit people doing deport , and the best  is that to everything us a liked play to it, the “tombo” was the “sensation” in its time, in the playground, after of class, in the parent meeting, in all moment we played the “tombo”. 

I don’t remember the last time that I play because yes I can’t talk you what a good time we had.

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014


The beach

In the year 2010, when I had sixteen years, in time the summer, I decided work  in the raspberry field, for have money and I go to holiday.
I worked one month in February, with a friend we decided go to the beach, the most funny that went without permission.  :P .
We Decided go to Pelluhue, located for the cost of Parral, in the region “El Maule”.  We went out at 7 or 9 of morning.  I had a good time. We swam all day, the people are nice, played a football, ate much food, in the night went  out to meet Pelluhue, the square is small but beautiful and around it there were shops of all kind.

jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014


My best friend is my cousin  her name is  Valentina Lagos, she is 19 years old, I know my  friend since I was two years .
She is my best friend because she listen to me, she laugh with me, she is my confident, and she is all to me.
With my cousin we do all kind of things, from sleep, eat, cry, speak, we love to play taca-taca, watch movies, go to walk, close to where we live, which is in Coihueco this is a region of Chillán, beside for a lot years we worked in the summer in the raspberry field.
We were born the same day, 11 of november, but a different year,  I am the oldest, although I look younger.
We have study in the same school in the primary and the high school, also we have live together for 3 years.
We both came to Santiago to study, in the university, but we choose different   professions.
My other best friend is my sister, she is older than me for two years, she is my confident and the father of the house,
My sister, my cousin, and I, we are the three Musketeers, we are complementary in all kind of thing.

I love them with all my heart.

jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014

Global warming will cut crop harvests by 2% each decade, researchers say

Research have shown that crops as wheat, corn and rice are exposed to an important 2% yielding decreasing every decade, due to the climate change with the temperatures increasing in 2°C to 2050, the most affected zones are the tropics, with crops like wheat and corn that have experienced falls until 40%. As a solution, the government had agreed to limit the temperatures increasing over the pre-industrial levels, because this can bring danger to the food security.
